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romero creations rc tt mg ukulele headstock Special

Romero Creations Ukulele Range

kala tenor resonator ukulele Special

Kala Tenor Resonator Ukulele

kala ka fmtb c concert ukulele Special

Kala FMTB Tenor Ukulele

Retail Price: $529.00
baritone ukulele case Special

Baritone Ukulele Case

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Golden Gate CD-1650 Deluxe Ukulele Case

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Concert Ukulele Case C-1650


Ukuleles are the national instument of Hawaii and there is no doubt that is where they were popularised in the form that we recognise today. But history suggests there were quite a few early versions appearing in Europe and one of these little instruments migrated to Hawaii onboard ship. The King of Hawaii really loved them and must have surely played one. It was quickly taken up by many and the ukulele as we know it was born and remains very much a symbol of Hawaii.

There is now a family of ukes that consist of Soprano, Concert, Tenor and Baritone with also slight variations in the number of strings added.